Trends of substance addiction in Saudi Arabia

Cultural and conservative norms in Saudi Arabia forbid any amount of alcohol, illicit drug abuse or overprescribed drug abuse to the extent the Saudi judiciary may impose a death penalty or on a lighter note, will guarantee a one year jail sentence with 350 lashings for transporting alcohol (which is technically a drug any country). Do you want to be sentenced to death on a technicality?

In America or Europe driving with newly purchased alcohol from the grocery store or liquor store, in the trunk, is normal. An open container in a vehicle is illegal, yet it seems outdated to any American or European citizen that even transporting alcohol would mean a death sentence.

Alcohol is illegal in Saudi Arabia. Drug use disorder of any kind is also illegal in Saudi Arabia, yet it is widely practiced behind closed doors just like in every other country.

As one travels globally it is discovered people are just people, customs and cultures will differ, yet, it does not matter what country or religion one is born into, an alcohol addiction or drug addiction has always been rampant across the globe throughout the centuries.

Not so surprisingly, statistics do show that captagon addiction is much more prevalent in Saudi Arabia. 40% of all young Saudi drug addicts possess a captagon addiction or captagon use disorder the most popular narcotic in the Arabian peninsula. Why is this considered not so surprising? Historically, young drug addicts have always sought the latest and greatest fad drug that they deem ‘cool’. Unfortunately, in Saudi Arabia cool will get you killed.

In fairness, it is not cool to slip into drug addiction for anyone in any country, it is not cool to lose friends, family and/or your mind or to develop permanent tics or physical disabilities, it is not cool to burn holes in your brain, it certainly is not cool to overdose and die or to accidentally kill someone else while under the influence of any overprescribed prescription drug or illegal drug abuse. What is a permanent drug tic? An uncontrollable permanent physical movement disorder caused as a direct result from short or long-term prescribed or unprescribed prescription drugs or other drugs.

However, it is very cool to get well, to live a life free from alcohol use disorder or drug use disorder, to understand what it feels like to have peace of mind and peace of heart and to live a mentally sound destiny. Here is a long-standing scientific fact: Alcohol addiction or drug abuse, over time, will lead to insanity, jail or death whether or not you live in Saudi Arabia.

Unquestionably, Saudi citizens do face harsher challenges directly related to alcohol or drugs while living in their country of birth or the UAE due to traditional religious law and this is not going to change any time soon.

Furthermore, even scoring in the lowest millimeter range on an alcohol or drug spectrum will put your life at risk by drinking one glass of wine, snorting one line of coke or popping one unprescribed drug, never mind two too many.

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